DHIS2 Online Academy acknowledges the following student accomplishment

Signature | Kristin Braa Kristin Braa Director of the HISP Centre HISP Centre

DHIS2 Online Academy | GEN-D003-en Certificate | DHIS2 Online Academy

We hereby certify that:

Kern Rocke

successfully completed, received a passing grade, and was awarded this platform's Honor Code Certificate of Completion in:

DHIS2 Online Academy | GEN-D003-en: Aggregate Data Analysis Fundamentals

Certificate ID number: 8165a33a302c44bfb0a15f91d60b6a95
Date issued: June 13, 2023
Verify the authenticity of this certificate at https://academy.dhis2.org/certificates/8165a33a302c44bfb0a15f91d60b6a95