Aggregate Customization Fundamentals
In this course, you will learn how to use DHIS2’s Maintenance app to create and customize metadata for organisation units, data elements, categories, data sets and indicators. This course belongs to the DHIS2 Fundamentals courses program.
Course Number
Estimated Effort
2 weeks with 6 hours/week
About This Course
In this course, you will learn to plan, design and create DHIS2 metadata used for capturing, storing and analyzing data. Through videos, demonstrations, step-by-step activities, and labs, you will learn how to effectively use the Maintenance app to create organisation unit hierarchies, categories and category options, data elements, data sets and indicators, and how to customize them using best practices.
What will I learn?
After completing this course, you’ll be able to:
- Design and create organisation units, organisation unit groups and organisation unit group sets.
- Design and create category options, categories and category combinations to allow for disaggregated data analysis.
- Design and create data elements, data element groups and data element group sets used for storing data and data analysis.
- Design and create sectioned data sets for data capture, and how to configure sharing settings for them.
- Design and create indicators, indicator groups and indicator group sets used to calculate aggregated data for powerful data analysis.
Before starting this course, you will need to have completed the Introduction to DHIS2 course.