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DHIS2 Fundamentals

This is the entry level training course for DHIS2 and covers the fundamentals of the software platform.

Enrollment is closed
  • Course Number

  • Self-Paced

  • Estimated Effort

    4 weeks with 5 hours/week

About This Course

After completing this course, participants should:

  • Have a working knowledge of DHIS2 principles and terminology, with an overall understanding of how DHIS2 can be used to collect and analyze aggregate and individual based data
  • Have a broad understanding of how DHIS2 can be used to meet multiple health information system requirements
  • Be able to choose one out of three DHIS2 Academy Level 1 topics for further specializations: DHIS2 design and customization, DHIS2 Tracker, and DHIS2 information use.


No prerequistes are needed for this course.

Course Staff

Shurajit Dutta (Nick), UiO

Shurajit Dutta (Nick)

Nick has worked for the University of Oslo since October 2014 as an implementer and trainer, supporting country implementation in Asia, Africa and the Pacific. He also works on documentation for PEPFAR as well as the core documentation for DHIS2. Prior to this Nick was working with WHO, engaging in implementation and training in the Pacific as well as wider health information system issues such as CRVS and outbreak detection and response.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does self-paced mean?

It means that you can go through this course at your own pace. We estimated that if you spend 6 hours per week, you should be able to complete it in 3 weeks time.

How much does this course cost?

This course is free of charge.

Do I need to pass this course to attend a DHIS2 Academy?

Yes, the online DHIS2 Fundamentals course is a prerequisite for all the DHIS 2 Academy Level 1 courses.

Will I receive a certificate?

An electronic certificate will be issued for each participant who reaches the pass grade. This completion certificate will be issued at the end of the course (Course end date).